Friday, February 24, 2012

400 Trees

Last year, our farm was awarded a grant for water management in the barn yard.  At the same time, we enrolled in the CREP (Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program) as we have a stream that runs along the edge of our pastures and empties into the North Yamhill River.  In our case, the CREP program seeks to establish trees on the sides of streams, in order to lower the water's average temperature, creating a healthier environment for the beasties that live there (salmon, frogs etc.)  This past weekend, we spent a number of hours planting 400 seedlings on either side of the stream.  Here is Nicholas, getting the soil ready for some Douglas Firs in our western most pasture:

We planted a selection of native trees, including big leaf maples, ash, crab apples, douglas firs, western cedars and willows.  It will be fun to see them grow and create a shaded environment in the years to come.  This is a voluntary land retirement program which allows agricultural producers protect environmentally sensitive land. Will and Pete enjoying a break in the sunshine after planting many trees and flagging them so that we can see them when we mow in the months to come.  It was a bit of a challenge to convince Pete not to "fetch" all the seedlings.......