Well, I've finally decided to start a blog. Updating the website with farm news was cumbersome, so this will be my way to communicate the latest developments at North Valley Farm. We finished lambing three weeks ago and are very pleased with the results. There were 3 sets of triplets as well as plenty of twins, so the flock number has swelled to way over 130 sheep. At this time of year, we watch the pastures carefully to see how the grass is growing. Putting the sheep out too early means that the grass gets damaged and that it never fully recovers its vigor until the following season. So a little patience in March makes for much better yield as we head into the dry months of July and August. In the mean time, our red neck lawn mowers have some opportunities to help keep the yard both trimmed and fertilized.
Since I don't have to run out to the barn several times a night to check for new lambs, I managed to carve out some time to finish a project. Note the use of the word "finish." As many of you knitters and spinners know, it is one thing to start a project and quite another to complete it. I have at least 3 projects on the spinning wheel or knitting needles at any given time. But I am quite proud of these Cookie A socks (Eunice from Sock Innovation) as it is the first time I have created cables with 2 cable needles (I didn't even know it was possible until I picked up the book!)
And yes, my legs are really that pasty white because (1) we haven't seen the sun for any length of time since last September and (2) because legs are not included in a farmer's tan.
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